Watch: Electric scooter catches fire

The video of an electronic scooter catching intense fire grabbed the social media users’ attention towards the technology.

A Twitter user Patrao shared the minute and 51-second clip in which the scooter is seen emitting smoke.

It shortly catches fire and the intensity goes higher and lower with each second. The people are seen running for safety.

“Buy a E Scooter and suffer,” the caption read.

The netizens have suggested different reasons for electronic vehicles and the precautions that need to be taken by the owners and companies alike.

Electric vehicles are called the future of the automobile industry but it seems as if there are repercussions of not maintaining them properly especially the batteries that come with them.

Tesla vehicles in particular are in limelight for fire-related incidents in electronic vehicles.

Earlier, a foreign news agency reported that a Tesla Model S Plaid electric vehicle burst into flames on Tuesday while the owner was driving, just three days after the $129,900, top-of-the-range car was delivered following its June launch.

Moreover, A Tesla Model 3 electric car caught fire after crashing into a parked tow truck on a Moscow motorway late on Saturday, with the Tesla driver saying he had failed to see the vehicle with which he collided.

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