Man arrested for sexually assaulting two girls in Karachi

Man, arrested, sexually assaulting, Karachi

KARACHI: The police claimed to have arrested a suspect involved in sexually assaulting two minor girls in Awami Colony of Karachi’s Korangi area, ARY News reported.

In a statement, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Korangi Abraiz Ali Abbasi said that the accused sexually assaulted two minor girls within two days.

Two cases were registered against the accused – identified as Sabir. “The accused, even today, abducted another girl and tried to rape her,” the SSP Korangi added.

Upon receiving information, Awami Colony police arrested the accused in an immediate operation. The victims were shifted to hospital for medical tests, SSP Korangi added.

Earlier in October, a flood-affected girl was allegedly gang-raped by two persons in the Clifton area of Karachi.

According to details, a minor girl – residing at the flood relief camp – was abducted from outside a shopping mall at Karachi’s Clifton Block 4.

Read More: Minor girl gang-rape case: Karachi police arrest ‘prime suspect’

Later, the flood-affected girl was found at the same place at 02:00pm. She was later shifted to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC) after her health deteriorated, where the doctors confirmed she was ‘gang-raped’.

The police, while quoting the victim, said that two identified persons abducted a minor girl and sexually assaulted her. Hospital sources told ARY News that the girl is eight or nine-year-old.

Meanwhile, the police surgeon office has also confirmed that the girl was subjected to gang-rape. “A complete medical examination of the victim was carried out,” the police surgeon said, adding that the girl was also infected with fungus due to floods.




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